Why don't you sell Croc Monitors? We have in the past, but not for many years. No question Croc Monitors are one of the most intriguing and beautiful monitors, but they are also the most inappropriate for captive situations. Croc Monitors have Raptor like claws, and loooong sharp teeth. They seem to be more thoughtful and intelligent than other monitors, and they can give you the creeps when they stare at you from the cage, almost like they are thinking something devious. That is anthropomorphic, and wrong, but that is the FEELING they often give you : )
Crocs are perhaps the LONGEST monitors in the world, with the super long tail. They are not the biggest monitors, body wise they are on the small end of the large monitors, but absolutely a handful. So why do they make for poor captives? POTENTIAL FOR DAMAGE. The potential for significant damage with Croc Monitors is on an entirely different level than it is for any of the other large captive monitors.
I have seen bites from full size Waters or Blackthroats. No fun for sure. There can be bruising, blood, and even a broken bone if you get a finger or hand in there. But it heals ok. The Croc Monitor bites i have seen are bloody, but also include muscle, nerve and tendon damage. This has happened to multiple keepers. Good, experienced keepers, just caught off guard one day.
One keeper had a juvenile Croc Monitor in a stock tank. Very cool animal, not flighty or high strung. "Tame". Care was easy enough. Then one day just reaching in for the water bowl, like he does every day, he got a quick strike and release. Tore up his forearm. In fact, because of the damage and worry of infection, the doctor cleaned the wound, but left it splayed open, only covered with a bandage. For a week. He was left with muscle, nerve, and tendon damage. And all from changing the water bowl of a very "tame" animal. The potential is scary.
One keeper had a juvenile Croc Monitor in a stock tank. Very cool animal, not flighty or high strung. "Tame". Care was easy enough. Then one day just reaching in for the water bowl, like he does every day, he got a quick strike and release. Tore up his forearm. In fact, because of the damage and worry of infection, the doctor cleaned the wound, but left it splayed open, only covered with a bandage. For a week. He was left with muscle, nerve, and tendon damage. And all from changing the water bowl of a very "tame" animal. The potential is scary.
並造成另一位飼育者頭上12針的縫合,和拇指再也無法正常活動有須多成功飼育薩氏的人都面臨到一個問題: 誰可以讓我賣掉這些薩氏baby ?? 大部分的時候。答案是沒人。
像是PE(PRO EXOTIC),他們並不想碰到這樣的災難,而實際上並沒人繁殖人工的薩氏,因為他們大多來自野生環境進口,但卻讓狀況更為危險。他們真的是很美的動物,建議去動物園看牠們了解牠們,但不要自己惹禍上身。
Other keepers get dozens of stitches in their head, or have a thumb that doesn't work well anymore... There are breeders that have had captive success with the Croc Monitors, but then they are faced with the question- "Who can i responsibly sell these babies too?". For the most part, the answer is no one. Like PE, they just don't want that potential catastrophe hanging over their heads. And so you see virtually no domestic breeders producing captive Croc Monitors. There are plenty of wild caught and imported Croc Monitors available, but that only makes the situation worse. Croc Monitors are an unbelievable display animal. Go to a great zoo and check them out, but don't dabble in the danger yourself.
We don't. "tame" Croc Monitor head damage
"tame" Croc Monitor hand damage http://www.proexotics.com/faq_images/croc_hand_wound.jpg
another pic submission of Croc Monitor damage. these pic visuals are something else!
....an excerpt from a Monitor forum post at kingsnake.com by Rob Carmichael of The Wildlife Discovery Center-
The Croc monitor poses, in my opinion, more cause for concern (when compared to other easily obtained monitors) due to their behavior. We experienced this first hand at my facility. Two years ago, one of my animal keepers was giving our croc monitor (a YOUNG male at only 7') it's daily warm shower. He took his eyes off the lizard for a split moment and the croc must have seen some fingers moving around on the spray nozzle. He came over and just nipped and let go in a millisecond. I heard a blood curdling scream and ran over only to see blood splattered on the glass, the floor, everywhere. This little nip just about severed off one of the fingers of my staff. He went through 4 hours of intensive surgery and has a very nice scar to this day and has never regained fully feeling and mobility in that finger. Just something to think about before making a mistake
The Croc monitor poses, in my opinion, more cause for concern (when compared to other easily obtained monitors) due to their behavior. We experienced this first hand at my facility. Two years ago, one of my animal keepers was giving our croc monitor (a YOUNG male at only 7') it's daily warm shower. He took his eyes off the lizard for a split moment and the croc must have seen some fingers moving around on the spray nozzle. He came over and just nipped and let go in a millisecond. I heard a blood curdling scream and ran over only to see blood splattered on the glass, the floor, everywhere. This little nip just about severed off one of the fingers of my staff. He went through 4 hours of intensive surgery and has a very nice scar to this day and has never regained fully feeling and mobility in that finger. Just something to think about before making a mistake