2010年7月1日 星期四




2008年3月18日 星期二






Scincus屬是人們在爬蟲市場熟知的鯊魚蜥,其中一種Scincus mitranus就是這篇被截斷的論文的主角(免不了想要唸一下為什麼會被截斷@#$&^%#ˋ@......。)這篇是討論有關Sarcocystis mitrani 於Scincus mitranus的寄生狀況的研究,糞便檢查沒有檢查到 sporocysts ,建議的檢查方法多如骨骼肌的切片,透過光學顯微鏡或是TEM。



(不過免不了想要打岔一下王者蜥不是 Skink...........)

2008年3月4日 星期二

U.a.m. 截肢手術

Sat May 12 00:43:34 2007

今天終於在剛果開完刀回來了~大家都很平安的醒來~所以來這邊還願寫心得 XD







埃埃剛出來的時候呼吸真的超級慢,有時候很像死掉一樣,要很仔細的看牠胸部那邊緩慢的收縮。(醫生還提醒這兩天牠雖然醒來,但是對於溫度的調節還不是很好,所以可能會在熱點下烤到睡著死掉= =",因此建議環境維持常溫28度等待恢復正常,也不建議底部加溫,避免燙傷。)

後來呼吸漸漸有比較多次,而且眼睛對光的反應會變的更好,狀況再好一點就開始甩尾。= ="

回家以後還是跌跌撞撞的還會出現鱷魚的死亡翻滾= =",不過有吃手餵的四季豆兩顆,但是通常食慾這時候不可能完全恢復,所以還是要觀察個兩三天。


ps 當然現在已經好啦 還是很帥的UAM(埃及亞種學名)

SEM pic of the crested gecko shavings


想想真是大學時代時作的最有意義的一件事情 哈哈

2008年3月3日 星期一



Diet for re-hydrated sick bobtails(Food size appropriate for size of the lizard’s throat)
* Meatballs* sprinkled with reptile supplement,* Soft fruit – watermelon, grapes, banana, strawberries, peaches* Green vegetables – milk thistle, broccoli, watercress, endive, minimalspinach (they love native yellow flowers)* Occasional chopped hard-boiled egg or raw egg yolk. Hand feed raw eggyolk as bobtails will walk through a shallow dish and become coated in eggyolk.(建議用授精蛋黃)* Dropper Reptavite (TM) vitamin supplement onto skin (1 drop/50g bodyweight x 1 weekly for all sick bobtails* Dropper Reptacal (TM) calcium supplem\ent onto skin (1 drop/50g bodyweight x 2 weekly) for lizards not under UVA/UVB lighting
Diet for healthy bobtails
(Pre-release or long-term cases that are self-feeding)Add firm fruits and vegetables to the above diet to toughen gums and palate.eg. Sweet potato, apple, pear, green beans, grated carrot, rose petals*Meatball recipe
1 kg quality lean beef mince85 g Turkey or chick starter85 g Wambaroo Insectivore  powder85 g Egg & Biscuit Tablespoon Calcium carbonate85 g SF40 Multivitamin powder

Jackson ratio

Jackson ratio 不是針對Testudo屬烏龜的統計而是Testudo graeca 和 Testudo hermanni野外統計下的結果所以如果手上是別種龜種就不能使用
包括像豹龜 蘇卡達 折背 等一些熱帶不需要冬眠的龜種,都不適用於這種圖表。

如Testudo horsfieldii Testudo marginata也不適用於Jackson ratio理由如下:
This graph MUST NOT be used with Testudo horsfieldii or Testudo marginata, asit will invariably produce incorrect results. The body shape of these speciesis such that T. horsfieldii, being 'short and square' will tend to read'overweight' even if it is actually underweight. T. marginata, being 'longand narrow' will, on the other hand, read 'underweight' even if it is of aperfectly average and safe weight for its size.



至於測量背甲的長度沒錯但是要記得是頭到尾巴的垂直距離Straight Carapace Length (SCL)不是




Why don't you sell Croc Monitors? We have in the past, but not for many years. No question Croc Monitors are one of the most intriguing and beautiful monitors, but they are also the most inappropriate for captive situations. Croc Monitors have Raptor like claws, and loooong sharp teeth. They seem to be more thoughtful and intelligent than other monitors, and they can give you the creeps when they stare at you from the cage, almost like they are thinking something devious. That is anthropomorphic, and wrong, but that is the FEELING they often give you : )


Crocs are perhaps the LONGEST monitors in the world, with the super long tail. They are not the biggest monitors, body wise they are on the small end of the large monitors, but absolutely a handful. So why do they make for poor captives? POTENTIAL FOR DAMAGE. The potential for significant damage with Croc Monitors is on an entirely different level than it is for any of the other large captive monitors.


I have seen bites from full size Waters or Blackthroats. No fun for sure. There can be bruising, blood, and even a broken bone if you get a finger or hand in there. But it heals ok. The Croc Monitor bites i have seen are bloody, but also include muscle, nerve and tendon damage. This has happened to multiple keepers. Good, experienced keepers, just caught off guard one day.

One keeper had a juvenile Croc Monitor in a stock tank. Very cool animal, not flighty or high strung. "Tame". Care was easy enough. Then one day just reaching in for the water bowl, like he does every day, he got a quick strike and release. Tore up his forearm. In fact, because of the damage and worry of infection, the doctor cleaned the wound, but left it splayed open, only covered with a bandage. For a week. He was left with muscle, nerve, and tendon damage. And all from changing the water bowl of a very "tame" animal. The potential is scary.

並造成另一位飼育者頭上12針的縫合,和拇指再也無法正常活動有須多成功飼育薩氏的人都面臨到一個問題: 誰可以讓我賣掉這些薩氏baby ?? 大部分的時候。答案是沒人。

像是PE(PRO EXOTIC),他們並不想碰到這樣的災難,而實際上並沒人繁殖人工的薩氏,因為他們大多來自野生環境進口,但卻讓狀況更為危險。他們真的是很美的動物,建議去動物園看牠們了解牠們,但不要自己惹禍上身。

Other keepers get dozens of stitches in their head, or have a thumb that doesn't work well anymore... There are breeders that have had captive success with the Croc Monitors, but then they are faced with the question- "Who can i responsibly sell these babies too?". For the most part, the answer is no one. Like PE, they just don't want that potential catastrophe hanging over their heads. And so you see virtually no domestic breeders producing captive Croc Monitors. There are plenty of wild caught and imported Croc Monitors available, but that only makes the situation worse. Croc Monitors are an unbelievable display animal. Go to a great zoo and check them out, but don't dabble in the danger yourself.

We don't. "tame" Croc Monitor head damage

"tame" Croc Monitor hand damage http://www.proexotics.com/faq_images/croc_hand_wound.jpg
another pic submission of Croc Monitor damage. these pic visuals are something else!
....an excerpt from a Monitor forum post at kingsnake.com by Rob Carmichael of The Wildlife Discovery Center-
The Croc monitor poses, in my opinion, more cause for concern (when compared to other easily obtained monitors) due to their behavior. We experienced this first hand at my facility. Two years ago, one of my animal keepers was giving our croc monitor (a YOUNG male at only 7') it's daily warm shower. He took his eyes off the lizard for a split moment and the croc must have seen some fingers moving around on the spray nozzle. He came over and just nipped and let go in a millisecond. I heard a blood curdling scream and ran over only to see blood splattered on the glass, the floor, everywhere. This little nip just about severed off one of the fingers of my staff. He went through 4 hours of intensive surgery and has a very nice scar to this day and has never regained fully feeling and mobility in that finger. Just something to think about before making a mistake

[緊急公告]使用ZooMed Reptisun 5.0 or 10.0 COMPACT LAMP 請進

若您目前有使用新的ZooMed Reptisun 5.0 or 10.0 COMPACT LAMP
盒子裡面都有內附使用指示表,建議遵照指示選擇燈具適當的放置高度(minimum safe basking distances)。

目前有少部分的案例因為使用這組燈款造成光角膜結膜炎(photo-kerato-conjunctivitis) ,或是使用高品質的鋁或其他金屬製的反射燈具or燈罩而導致UVB高單位集中於爬蟲的曝曬區( basking spot)--眼睛紅腫發炎,眼睛可能伴隨出血或無,眼瞼腫脹;而當移開這款燈具後,幾天之後症狀則有明顯的改善。

以下是美國紅耳龜論壇近期和 ZOOMED廠商聯絡之後的細節:The ReptiSun compact 這組登款預燒期間的UVB量最高,預燒期會維持兩三個禮拜,所以這個期間建議增加燈與爬蟲的距離 ,大致是30-48公分(細節請依照使用反射燈具和5。0或10。0決定距離)ZooMed Reptisun 5.0

ZooMed Reptisun 5.0 UVB "Tropical" Compact Lamp .pdf file - 859KB 請下載http://www.uvguide.co.uk/reptisun5compact-instructions.pdf

ZooMed Reptisun 10.0 UVB "Desert" Compact Lamp .pdf file - 857KB http://www.uvguide.co.uk/reptisun10compact-instructions.pdf



超難用 ,這個ब्लॉगर
到底要怎樣把文章縮短= ="